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How to Replace a Faulty Lock
How to Replace a Faulty Lock

This article outlines the process to replace a faulty lock.

Emily Funk avatar
Written by Emily Funk
Updated over a month ago

In order to replace a lock, access to the backplate is required. If this is a lock out situation and the batteries are dead, you can use a 9V battery to jump and Engage the lock .

To replace and activate a smart lock you will need:

  • Smart Phone with Bluetooth capabilities

  • New/Replacement Schlage Control, LE, or NDE lock

  • Screwdriver

Before you begin, make sure you have downloaded and logged into the following apps.

If your invite has expired or you do not have credentials please contact Homebase Support.

Step 1: Remove the old lock from the Engage Site.

  1. Log into the Engage App. (App link provided above.)

  2. Select the Site.

  3. Select Devices.

  4. Swipe left on the lock's name and delete the lock you are moving.

Step 2: Remove the faulty lock from the door by unscrewing the backplate and disconnecting the wires then completely remove the lock from the door.

Step 3: Install the new lock according to Schlage's protocol outlines here:

Step 4: Add the new lock to the Engage site in the Engage App.

  1. Homebase will provide login credentials for your property's Homebase integrated Engage site and provide you with login credentials. If your invite has expired please contact Homebase Support.

  2. On the Sites tab select the building where you’re installing.

  3. Select Devices.

  4. Use the + in the upper right corner to add a lock.

  5. Select the appropriate type of lock, select Default Settings and follow the in-app prompts to add the lock.

Step 5: Remove the old lock from Homebase

  1. Log into the Homebase Mobile Manager App

  2. Navigate to the More tab and tap on the version number 10 times to reveal the Install tab.

  3. Select the Install tab when it appears on the far right.

  4. Select the Unit Number

  5. Hit Edit in the upper right corner

  6. Select the lock when the red delete icon appears

  7. Select Done in the upper right corner

  8. Return to the Units page and pull down to refresh

Step 6: Add the new lock to Homebase.

  1. Select the Unit

  2. Select “Add Device”

  3. Wait until Allegion Lock appears in the list and then Select Allegion Lock

  4. Select scan for Allegion Locks

  5. Select your lock and Save.

  6. Use back buttons to return to the Unit list.

  7. Select the Access screen and swipe down to update the list.

Step 7: Update and Engage

  1. Update the lock to activate all fobs with access to the lock.

  2. Engage lock and manually turn the deadbolt to lock the unit.

Please note: It may be necessary to close and reopen the app in order to successfully update or engage the lock. If the app fails to update or engage please close and reopen the app and try again.

Please note: The app does not lock the door. The app engages the lock which allows you to turn the deadbolt. You must manually turn the deadbolt to lock or unlock.

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